Whiplash & Personal Injury

Life comes at us from all sides and sometimes accidents happen and injury occurs. How you react to personal injury and things like whiplash from a car accident can make a huge impact on your health. Stiffness and inability to move certain areas of your body can literally be a pain, but waiting for things to get better poses a risk because what if they don’t? This is where our professional team comes into play. If you’re struggling with any type of pain due to an accident, work, or sports injury, our dedicated staff has the experience and tools to properly assess and safely treat whatever the issue. No matter the type of injury whether it’s whiplash or a strained back, we have the ability to help.

Effects of Whiplash?

Whiplash is a specific type of neck injury that happens when the neck whips back and forth in a fast jerking motion. Typically this happens because of a car accident, but whiplash could also be caused from a sports injury or other incidents. No matter how it happens, the injury can range from mild to severe, making it extremely important to get checked out immediately.

The main symptom of whiplash is stiffness and pain when turning your head, but there are other symptoms that people may not realize.

  • Headaches
  • Blurred vision
  • Memory loss
  • Ringing in the ears

If you truly have a whiplash injury, these symptoms will show up within 24 hours. Often the symptoms may go away naturally, but if they stick around, we can bring relief. Our natural health solutions can help alleviate pain naturally without medication.

Do You Know The 14 Day Rule? 

The state of Florida has what is known as the 14-Day Rule that must be followed upon having a car accident. This rule states that any person who has been in a car accident must seek medical attention within 14 days or they forfeit all $10,000 of their medical benefits.

Often after a minor fender bender, many people don’t go get checked out by a doctor because they feel fine afterward. With the 14 Day Rule, this is a problem. Don’t get fooled by your lack of symptoms. Often times whiplash symptoms won’t show up until weeks or even months later. It’s better to be safe than sorry and risk losing all of your medical benefits. Get checked out by us today and don’t take the chance of losing all your benefits!

Personal Injury Relief

On the job injuries are very common but quite inconvenient. Missing work and financial compensation due to injury is not the ideal situation, but our team will do our best to treat whatever type of pain or injury you have as quickly and efficiently as possible. This could be anything from a back strain to carpal tunnel.

Any pain or suffering associated with your injury is our number one priority. When you come see us, you can expect to get back to work or doing the things you love as quickly as possible. Our personalized care plans achieve fast results because they’re tailored to treat you uniquely.

Give us a call if you feel like you have a personal injury or need pain relief from a car accident. Let’s have a conversation about your health!